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Friday, December 3, 2010

uTorrent 2.2.0 Build 23235

uTorrent 2.2.0 Build 23235

µTorrent is a small and incredibly popular BitTorrent client.
Micro-Sized Yet Feature Filled
Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.

µTorrent was written with efficiency in mind. Unlike many torrent clients, it does not hog valuable system resources - typically using less than 6MB of memory, allowing you to use the computer as if it weren't there at all. Additionally, the program itself is contained within a single executable less than 220 KB in size.
Skinnable and Localized
Various icon, toolbar graphic and status icon replacements are available, and creating your own is very simple. µTorrent also has support for localization, and with a language file present, will automatically switch to your system language. If your language isn't available, you can easily add your own, or edit other existing translations to improve them!
Actively Developed and Improved
The developer puts in a lot of time working on features and making things more user-friendly. Releases only come out when they're ready, with no schedule pressures, so the few bugs that appear are quickly addressed and fixed.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

AntiVir Personal

Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus is a reliable free antivirus solution, that constantly and rapidly scans your computer for malicious programs such as viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, hoaxes, worms, dialers etc. Monitors every action executed by the user or the operating system and reacts promptly when a malicious program is detected.

  • Detects and removes more than 150,000 viruses
  • Always among the winners of comparison test featured in computer journals
  • The resident Virus Guard serves to monitor file movements automatically, e.g. downloading of data from the internet
  • Scanning and repair of macro viruses
  • Protection against previously unknown macro viruses
  • Protection against trojans, worms, backdoors, jokes and other harmful programs
  • AntiVir protection against viruses, worms and Trojans
  • AntiDialer protection against expensive dialers
  • AntiRootkit protection against hidden rootkits
  • AntiPhishing protection against phishing
  • AntiSpyware protection against spyware and adware
  • NetbookSupport for laptops with low resolution
  • QuickRemoval eliminates viruses at the push of a button
  • Easy operation
  • Internet-Update Wizard for easy updating
  • Protection against previously unknown boot record viruses and master boot record viruses

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Google Chrome 9.0.576.0 Beta

Google Chrome 9.0.576.0 Beta

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
One box for everything
Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages.
Thumbnails of your top sites
Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.
Incognito mode
Don't want pages you visit to show up in your web history? Choose incognito mode for private browsing.
Safe browsing
Google Chrome warns you if you're about to visit a suspected phishing, malware or otherwise unsafe website.

Sunday, November 14, 2010



Download ANSAV 2.0.54 Terbaru update Januari 2010. Pada update terbaru kali ini telah dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur terbaru dan beberapa penyempurnaan dari versi sebelumnya. Silakan update ANSAV Anda dengan versi 2.0.53 agar system komputer Anda terhindar dari virus yang merusak.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

U S B Disk Security

U S B Disk Security

U S B Disk Security provides 100% protection against any malicious programs trying to attack via USB drive. Compare USB Disk Security against other antivirus solutions, you will find out its highlights: USB Disk Security is the best antivirus software to permanently protect offline computer without the need for signature updates, but other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer. This light and easy to use solution is compatible with other antivirus software and doesn't slow down your computer at all. You pay USB Disk Security once and get it all; however, other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year.

Click here for DOWNLOAD 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010



Skype is software for calling other people on their computers or phones. Download Skype and start calling for free all over the world.
The calls have excellent sound quality and are highly secure with end-to-end encryption. You don't even need to configure your firewall or router or any other networking gear.
Additionally it doesn't just work on Windows. Skype is also for Mac OS X, Linux and PDAs using Pocket PC, with a native look and feel for each platform. Talking, sending instant messages or even file transfers work between different platforms like a charm.

  • Skype calling - Skype has all the features of an ordinary phone so it's even easier to manage your calls.
  • Video calling - see who you are talking to at the same time as speaking to them.
  • Add Skype and SkypeOut contacts - Add contacts who use Skype and those who use ordinary phones so you can call more people.
  • Organising groups - group contacts under certain names and share them with your contacts so they can talk to them too.
  • Basic chat and emoticons - when it's not convenient to call, chat or Instant Message (IM) your contacts.
  • Group chat - for when it's easier to chat or Instant Message (IM) all your friends at once.
  • Profile settings - change how you appear to the world and let people know a bit about you.
  • Conference calling - talk to more than one friend at a time.
  • Import contacts - search your address book to find friends and family that already have a Skype name and start calling them for free.
  • View Outlook contacts - view and call your Microsoft Outlook® contacts quickly and directly from your Skype contact list.
  • Quickfilter and Speed-Dial - find Skype contacts, recent chats and SkypeOut contacts quickly and easily, then enter their Skype name to call them back quickly.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Internet Download Manager 6.03 beta

Internet Download Manager 6.03 beta

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.

Other features include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, scheduler pro, sounds on different events, HTTPS support, queue processor, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), built-in download accelerator, and many others.

Version 5.19 adds IDM download panel for web-players that can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Videos. It also features complete Windows 7 and Vista support, YouTube grabber, redeveloped scheduler, and MMS protocol support. The new version also adds improved integration for IE and IE based browsers, redesigned and enhanced download engine, the unique advanced integration into all latest browsers, improved toolbar, and a wealth of other improvements and new features.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Media Player Codec Pack 3.9.6

Media Player Codec Pack 3.9.6

The Media Player Codec Pack is a simple to install package of codecs/filters/splitters used for playing back music and movie files. After installation you will be able to play 99.9% of files through your media player, along with XCD's, VCD's, SVCD's and DVD's. Also included in the package are a number of encoder codec's, allowing you to encode files in formats such as DivX. XviD, x264 and many more in your favourite encoding application. Compression types supported include DivX, XviD, x264, h.264 and many more in AVI, MKV, OGM, MP4 files. Video file types supported include 3GPP, AVI, MKV, OGM, MP4, MPG, MPEG, VOB, DAT, FLV, PS, TS, NUV. Audio file types supported include AC3, DTS, AAC, APE, FLAC, TTA, WV, OGG, Vorbis, MO3, IT, XM, S3M, MTM, MOD, UMX. Please note that protected formats may require a specific player. All versions of Windows Media Player are supported as well as most other players. The package supports 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows.

Download it

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Winamp 5.581 Full

Winamp 5.581 Full
Winamp is a skinnable, multi-format media player.
Winamp supports a wide variety of contemporary and specialized music file formats, including MIDI, MOD, MPEG-1 audio layers 1 and 2, AAC, M4A, FLAC, WAV, OGG Vorbis, and Windows Media Audio. It supports gapless playback for MP3 and AAC, and Replay Gain for volume leveling across tracks. In addition, Winamp can play and import music from audio CDs, optionally with CD-Text, and can also burn music to CDs. Winamp supports playback of Windows Media Video and Nullsoft Streaming Video, as well as most of the video formats supported by Windows Media Player. 5.1 Surround sound is supported where formats and decoders allow.
Winamp supports many types of streaming media: Internet radio, Internet telelvision, XM Satellite Radio, AOL video, Singingfish content, podcasts, and RSS media feeds. It also has extendable support for portable media players, and users can access their media libraries anywhere via internet connections.

You can extend Winamp's functionality through the use of plug-ins, which are available on the Winamp site.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Internet Explorer 8.0 xp

Internet Explorer 8.0 xp
Internet Explorer is the world's most popular Web browser. Security, ease of use, and improvements in RSS, CSS, and Ajax support are Microsoft's priorities for Internet Explorer. This version of IE runs on Windows XP.


 - Fast, safe, and easy. Internet Explorer 8 takes the web experience beyond the page for quicker and more reliable for browsing with peace of mind.
- Get things done without navigating to other websites.
- Browse and get things done quicker than ever.
- Stay more secure and browse with confidence.
- Now you can get more tasks done more quickly on the web. Accelerators provide instant access to information like maps, web searches, translations, email, blogging, and more. - Simply highlight a word or phrase on a page and discover a faster way to get the information you need.
- Web Slices put you in control of the information you care about most. Now you can subscribe to specific content within a page and monitor things like auction items, sports scores, entertainment columns, weather reports, and more. Add a Web Slice to your Favorites bar and the information you care about will automatically be delivered to you.